
3/50 Project

As things go when one is falling into an online pit of blogs, pages, pictures and such - I happened across this site. The 3/50 project! The simple concept is this: Pick 3. Spend $50. Save your local economy.
In a few more words here's the run down...

*Pick 3 tried and true real small business that you would hate to see close it's doors. Be sure to pop in   there this week or next, buy something, and let them know you're glad they are there.
 *Next, spend $50 each month in locally owned businesses. If only half the employed population makes this commitment it could generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue for small businesses.

Isn't this an awesome concept? How many of you want to jump on the bandwagon and commit to this 3/50 concept for the rest of 2010? Think of all the money that will be put back into the local economy...maybe..just maybe this would turn things around. Be the difference!