
Monday Cutie: The orchid robber+Miranda and Jake revisited

# 1. An orchid robber you ask? Yes, it's true. Someone stole an orchid from the shop this past week. Here's the story in case you didn't read it in the newspaper. Just kidding it wasn't in the paper...just making sure you were paying attention. So....I had prepared a beautiful cymbidium orchid to send out on delivery and set it in the back of the shop which we sometimes do because space is so limited. When our "Director of Deliveries", Jason, went to find it it had up and walked away from it's happy home. I was, to say the least, distraught at the notion of someone up and making off with a huge plant that wasn't meant for them to take. I called up my...ahem...connection in law enforcement and he quickly came to my aide and tried to track down the thief (they couldn't be that hard to find carrying a huge orchid plant right?). Well as he was driving the perimeter of the shopping center, alas, there it was cut up and left for dead. He continued to make some inquiries and discovered that an employee of a neighboring business had lifted the plant right out from under us. She wanted the blooms so she cut them off and left the plant for it was too large to carry onto the bus. The long story short is: she stole the plant, he found it, we got it back and she got fired. Thanks to that dashing man I know in a uniform for coming to my rescue and bringing the cymbidium back to it's rightful owner. I owe you one. Here's a photo he snapped with his phone when he first made the discovery.

#2. On a happier note a little treat arrived in my mailbox recently from Mirelle Carmichael. It was a sweetly wrapped disk of images from Miranda+Jake's wedding at the Flying Caballos Ranch back in October. You may remember reading a bit about their feature on the wedding chicks...if you don't go ahead and click here. I was happy to have the images all to myself to share so without further a-due please check them out below!

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